Final Certification Exams of Land Property Relations Specialty

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Today graduate works were being defensed by Bachelor’s students of Land Property Relations Specialty of the department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations.

The presidents of the mentioned certification committee is candidate of sciences Gagik Yeganyan. Other members of the committee are Lianna Kocharyan, Hmayak Hakobyan, Vardan Asatryan, the head of the Chair of Environmental Economics Suren Gevorgyan, the Dean of the mentioned Department Associate Professor Atom Markaryan, Assistant Professor Gevorg Aloyan and secretary Hranush Alexanyan.

During the conversation with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Professor Suren Gevorgyan said that the supervisors of the graduate works had supported the students strongly. 

"This is the first year that all weak and strong students write graduate works, that’s why it is quite difficult. Of course, there are good works, too," said Suren Gevorgyan, adding that the result of master degree students are higher.

We wish good luck to all the graduates.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.