Mentoring in ASUE. German experts discussed the prospects of implementation 24 March 2015

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ASEU vice rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan today in his office hosted experts from Germany Mr. Martin Weiss, Ernst Ludwig Drays, German graduate students and guests who were at the university to discuss the prospects of implementation of monitoring. The meeting also attended the dean of the departments of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations Atom Margaryan and the head of the Foreign Relations Division Vard  Ghukasyan.

Discussing the cooperation prospects, Mr. Vardanyan said that our students could learn a lot from the Germans, especially from their punctuality, noting that it is essential everywhere.

A platform of professional relations where the expert supports another person to develop unique skills and knowledge that would contribute to the person's professional and personal growth and development, so the concept of mentoring was formulated. The sides noted the benefits of cooperation, highlighted the exchange of experience and the importance of students' motivations. Future plans were outlined.

Afterwards the guests toured the university accompanied by vice-rector and university staff, visited the gym, the reading room, the library, the computer labs, the Business School, the Center for International Programs and "Amberd" Research Center.  Some issues of cooperation were discussed with the director of "Amberd” Research Center Samvel Avetisyan.

During the tour, the guests also talked with the students. Mr. Vardanyan told the students about the benefits of mentoring. The students were very excited and they greeted the ASUE cooperation with German experts.

Gagik Vardanyan told us that the implementation of the mentoring would contribute to the development of the professional skills of our students, would motivate the use of their knowledge during the working process and in profession-related issues.

Note that due to the agreement the first steps of the cooperation will be taken in the beginning of the new academic year (October).




ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.