“Development of Economy and Society: 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities”: ASUE 27th Conference Launched (photos)

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Today, ASUE 27th conference  on “Development of  Economy  and Society: 21st Century Challenges  and Opportunities” launched  at ASUE Big Hall, which was  attended  by Vahram Mkrtchyan, Deputy Minister of the RA MES, Nerses Yeritsyan, the RA CB Vice-governor, Armenak Darbinyan, member of the  RA CB Board,  Vardan Sahakyan, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science, Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Vice Rectors: Gagik Vardanyan, Paruir Kalantaryan, Mihrdat Harutyunyan, Hayk Sargsyan, Dean of YSU Faculty of Economics and  Management, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, ASUE Deans, Chairs, members of Faculty  and administrative  staff, students.

ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan  opened  the conference with a welcoming speech, thanked the attendees for  their  interest toward urgent issues on development of economy and society.

“The annual conferences of our University have become a beautiful tradition, but I am happy to note that in addition to them, there are other formats reflecting our University's scientific activity. I highlight the University's annual conference as it raises our collective scientific potential, shows a qualitative change in the University scientific life and become  unique guide for future activities. The basis of this conference is the development of the economy and society, which demonstrates the challenges and opportunities of our era”; stated  the  Rector.

Then Congratulating the Deputy Minister for  the  first  visit at  our University gave  the  floor to Vahram Mkrtchyan, who  stated  that it is a great honor for him to be  hosted at this hall, where the economic thought of the republic is consolidated.

Vahram Mkrtchyan expressed gratitude to Rector Koryun Atoyan and ASUE Governing Board for not only carrying out  institutional reforms at the University, but also making the University a forge of economy, and then presented the reforms in the higher education sector by proposing to support the reforms of the  Government of Armenia.

Hayk Sargsyan, Dean of YSU Faculty of Economics and  Management, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, reported  on “Post-war and Current Developments in Constitutional Law” stating that it’s a great responsibility to be hosted  at University of Economics and  to act in such a professional environment.

Nerses Yeritsyan reported on “The Problem of the Central Bank in the Context of Economic Development” emphasizing that he is responsible both for his professional and emotional performance in front of such an audience, as well as scholars who taught him.  Nerses Yeritsyan presented two directions of CB activity - price and financial stability, detailed their policies in these areas.

Vardan Sahakyan, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science,  reported  on “Science as a Basis for Innovative Development of the State”, referring to the objectives of integrating into the European research area, the structure of the science sector in our country, the organizations engaged in  scientific activity, the funding sources.

The  second plenary session started  with the  report  by Gagik Vardanyan on “The Imperative of Forming a State of Development”, referring to the definitions, activities, characteristics of a state of development, spoke about the Washington Consensus of Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand".

Aram Sargsyan, the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, reported on “Development, Progress, Civilization: Philosophical Interpretation of Modern Civilization Challenges” presenting views, development peculiarities, criteria, and civilizational perceptions on the nature of historical development processes.

All the reports were accepted with great interest, followed by the attendees’  questions and discussions.

The plenary sessions were over. The conference participants will continue their professional discussions and presentations in the departments. ASUE Science  and PhD Division informs  that 130 reports will be presented in the departments. The format of the  University's annual conference has changed a little for  this  year.

7 departments are created, all the works will be summarized via round tables, and they will last till December 1, when the final plenary session will be held.

Here  are  the 7 departments:

  • "Institutional and Structural Reforms" – coordinator: Atom Margaryan, Director  of  "Innovative and Institutional Research"  scientific-educational laboratory, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
  • "Environmental Economics and the  Environment" – coordinator: Suren Gevorgyan, the  Chair of Environmental Economics, Doctor of Sciences, Professor,
  • "Monitory Policy and Economic Growth" – coordinator: Ashot Matevosyan, Director  of  "Monetary Policy and Economic Growth" scientific-educational laboratory, Doctor of Sciences, Professor,
  • "Financial involvement. Banks and Other Financial Institutions" – coordinator: Sergey Sukiasyan, Director  of  "Financial Inclusion" scientific-educational laboratory, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor,
  • "Culture and Social Capital as Factors of Society's Development" – coordinator: Yelena Manukyan, Director of  "Social Research" scientific-educational laboratory, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
  • "Foreign Economic Policy and International Integration" – coordinator: Diana Galoyan, the acting Chair of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Sciences, associate Professor,
  • "Territorial Development and Regional Economics" – coordinator: Samvel Avetisyan, Senior researcher of  "AMBERD" research center, Doctor of Sciences, Professor.

The organizers state that the main goal of the conference is to provide professional discussion platform for specialists engaged in multidimensional issues of economic and social development for the academic community, public administration and local self-governing bodies and entrepreneurial field. In responding to the challenges of the 21st century and making use of the opportunities, it is particularly important to go through the constitutionally-defined transition to the parliamentary system of governance, which will ensure the harmonious development of the Armenian economy and society. The conference organizers look forward that participants will present studies and analyzes on the impact of economic and social development factors.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division