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Today, presentation  of  “Insurance  of  agricultural  risks”  research  group  was  held  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall,  which  was  attended  by  representatives  of  Faculty,  students.

Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan welcomed  the  participants.

The  research  group director  is  the  Dean of  the  Department  of Computer Science and Statistics,  Candidate  in  Economics  Manuk  MOVSISYAN,  members  are Associate  Professors  at  the  Chair  of  Banking  and  Insurance, Candidates in Economics Arman DAGHUNTS,  Vahe  MIKAYELYAN  and Candidate  in Economics, Assistant Professor  Armen VARDANYAN, MA  students Sirarpi SAHAKYAN, Vilyam SHAHINYAN.

The  research  topic  is “Investment  ways  of  systems  of  insurance  of  agricultural  risks  in the  RA”.

Gagik Vardanyan  mentioned  in his  welcoming  remark  that it’s  the  last  seminar  of  the  first  period, and  today’s topic was  quite remarkable one.  The  Vice-rector  highlighting the research,  emphasized that it’s  a  lifestyle  and  which is welcomed.  Gagik Vardanyan stressed the need to engage as  many  MA  students  as  possible in this activity.

Manuk Movsisyan introduced research  group  members,  spoke  about  work  division between them, stated  the choice  of  the topic. The  main goals  and  objectives  were  pointed  out,  one  of them  is  the study  of  the  best  international experience  and  its  investment ways  in Armenia (of course,  considering the features).

The  research  group  director  spoke  about measures to promote economic growth, the total land surfaces  in the  RA  and agricultural lands  according to the types, gross product structure  of  agriculture in the  RA according to regions, loans for agriculture, their rates  and  etc.

The  next  report  was  presented  by Arman Daghunts referring to classification of  agricultural risks,  insurance issues, ways  and  etc. International experience  was  presented. Group  member Armen Vardanyan reported  on insurance  tariff.

Summarizing the  seminar  Manuk Movsisyan  mentioned that the  group would  conduct  lecturers,  seminars  which  would  enable the researchers  to  consider  the  other’s  observations  and  recommendations  on the research.

The  participants  asked  questions  and  made  recommendations, and  the  Dean of  the  Department of  Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations Atom Margaryan  summarized the  seminar  and  wished  the  research  group fruitful  working  process.

So, the  seminars  of this  year  were  over. Note, that there  are 8 ASUE  research  groups,  and  seminars  will  be  continued  in 2015.



ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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