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Today, the  presentation of “Students’  (Customers’) Satisfaction”  research  group was  held at  ASUE  Conference  Hall,   which was attended  by ASUE  Rector,  Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice-rector of Science  and International Relations Gagik  Vardanyan,  representatives  of  research group,  students.

The  Research  group Director is  Koryun ATOYAN  members  are Associate  Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Marketing, Candidate  in Economics Narek  GHUKASYAN, Head of the  Chair  of  Languages Susanna CHALABYAN, MA  students Lusine KIRAKOSYAN, Milena MUSHEGHYAN.

The  research  group  studies “Key  issues  of  students’  (customers’) satisfaction in higher  education market of the  RA”.

Vice-rector Gagik Vardanyan welcomed  the  participants,  mentioned  that the  previous seminars  of  the  research  group have left a positive impression,  the enthusiasm shown by researchers and approaches suggest  that  this  project has  succeeded.

Referring  to  research  group the  Vice-rector  mentioned that  as a  result  they  expect  such  research  which   would  contribute to nowadays  educational  reforms.

Koryun Atoyan noted  that the  research  was quite  interesting  one and  gave   floor  to  Narek  Ghukasyan.

First, the  Associate  Professor made introductory remarks  on current  competitiveness in Higher  Education  Market, which  relates  to  customers’  shrinkage,  then  introduced  the  research group  staff, research object, goals and objectives, tools,  field, sample, sample calculation formula, etc.

Narek Ghukasyan  mentioned that after  choosing the research  topic  the  group turned  to  Koryun Atoyan  to  be the  director  of  the  group  and  the  Rector agreed.

Susanna  Chalabyan  assured  that the direct contact  with  the  students gives an interesting  working material.  She  mentioned that the group  had  made inquiries among  the  students  trying  to  find  out how  many of  them  had  advised  their  friend  to  continue  their education in  ASUE  and  presented  interesting  results  of  the inquiries.

Atom  Margaryan, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Vardan Sargsyan  raised  questions  and  made recommendations.

Koryun Atoyan  and  Gagik  Vardanyan  presented  observations  on the  topic. The  Vice-rector  mentioned  that the  group  is moving in the right direction and hoped that the results of the research will be valuable.

Summarizing the  presentation  the  Rector  mentioned  that  the  topic was  interesting because it had a practical significance. He  drew attention to the fact that  we  need  to  pass  comparison among the  students  of  the  same  specialties  in other  universities  to  get  the  full  picture   of  students’  satisfaction.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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