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Today,  the  presentation of  “Geographic  Information System” research  group  was  held at  ASUE  Conference  Hall,  which  was  attended  by Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice-rector  of Science  and  International Relations, Professor  Gagik  Vardanyan, Head of  Science  Division, Associate  Professor Khoren Mkhitaryan, representatives of Faculty,  students.

The  research topic is “Use  of geographic information systems in the field of real estate management in the  Republic  of  Armenia”.  The  research  group  director  Suren Gevorgyan  stressed  that  creation of geographic information systems  directed  towards  effective  solution of  the  problems of  various  sectors  of economy, state  and local self-government bodies, creation of joint  database  of natural and economic resources  and  improvement of resource management efficiency.

He  presented the  working process  and  added  that the  group  proposals  would  be  presented to the  Ministry  of  Territorial Management  and  Emergency  Situations  in the RA.

Research  group  members Armen Rubenyan  and  Gevorg  Aloyan (MA students Kristine Mkoyan  and  Abov  Baghdasaryan  are  also group  members)  reported  on the  research  topic.

  Armen Rubenyan  presented  the  complex  of  tools  of geographic information systems, historical reference  was done  to  other  country’s experience, the  attention of  the  participants  was  drawn to  the scheme  of geographic information systems:  principles  of management  procedures.

Gevorg  Aloyan spoke  about  the  activity conducted towards  creation of geographic information systems  in the  RA  till  today, noting  that  formation of  the  system  will  enable  to  create  a base for  complex analysis, which  will  be regularly  updated   and  will  contain accurate and complete information for effective management.

Atom Margaryan and  Volodya  Manasyan made inquiries.

Gagik  Vardanyan  thanked   for  the  presentation and  advised to  build   the  further activities  on economic orientation, then   called  the  directors  and  members  of  other  research  groups  to  participate  in seminars, as  all  topics  are  interconnected  and reinforce each other.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations Division 

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