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Today, a  scientific seminar   on “Development  priorities  of  territorial  administration  and  local  self-government  systems in the RA” was  held  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall  within the framework  of  “AMBERD”  research program “Development  of  Recommendations  for  Improving  State Government and Local Self-Government System in the RA”.

The  seminar  was  attended  by  Director  of  “AMBERD” Research  Center Samvel Avetisyan, collaborators  of  the  Center,  research  group  facilitator, Head of  the  Chair  of  Management, Academician  Yuri  Suvaryan, members  of research  group,  students.

Yuri  Suvaryan mentioned  in his  opening remarks that this’s  the  second  seminar  held  within  the framework  of  their  research  program,  presented the  content of  the  previous  seminar, then referred  to topic of  today’s  one, the research  conducted  by  the research  group, the  issues  which  should  be  submitted. “Like  the  previous time this  time,  too, we’ll  present  practical  serious  proposals”; he  mentioned  and  gave  the  floor  to the  speaker of  the  seminar, Candidate in Economics, Associate  Professor Ruben Hayrapetyan.

First  Ruben Hayrapetyan  spoke  about the concept of local self-governance, then presented analysis on the RA  rural  communities  according to  population, the RA  communities according to classifications  of  budgetary capacity. The  speaker  referred  to  income  of the RA  communities  /according  to regions in 2012-2013/,  quoted the RA  president’s  decree  on  state  government of  the RA regions (1997),  presented  the  concept  of  communities’ consolidation and  formation of  intercommunity  units.

The concept of power sharing  according to new  concept  on administrative-territorial division (20 provinces  and 3 special zone), organizational structure of local self-government  according  to the proposed new concept  were  presented, at  the end,  the  concept  with  certain proposals  developed  by  research  group  was also presented.

At the  end of the  seminar  Ruben  Hayrapetyan  and  Yuri  Suvaryan answered  the  questions raised  by  participants.

Samvel Avetisyan, summarizing the  seminar, mentioned that the  topic  was  initially highlighted in “AMBERD”  Research Center, as  it  related to  problems  of the  RA  territorial  administration.

Research  group  facilitator Yuri Suvaryan,  concluding the  seminar, expressed  hope  that the questions  and considerations  raised  by the  participants  of  the  seminar  would  promote research group to work more efficient.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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