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Today, Koryun Atoyan’s annual meeting  with students  was  held  at ASUE  Big Hall,  which aimed  to present University  activity,  projects,  to  answer  the students’ questions.

The  meeting  was  attended  by ASUE Vice-rector  of  Educational  Matters Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, Vice-rector on Students  and Alumni Affairs Sevak Khachatryan, SC President  Sergey Kharatyan.

Welcoming the participants, Koryun Atoyan mentioned that meeting  with  students  is  being  held every  year,  which aimed to raise  students’  questions  and  to try to  solve  the  problems. At  the  beginning of the  meeting  the Rector  presented projects  carried out  in the  University  during the last  years,  current  activity, highlighting that the University Administration attached  importance to increasing the quality  of education. 

The   Head   of  the  University assured  that everything  is  being  done to provide  progress in all areas of the University. Referring to intensification of University research  life, Koryun Atoyan  spoke  about “AMBERD” research  center,  highlighting that students (MA students)  are  being  involved in research activities.

“Research activity  has  a special  goal,  the World’s  best  Universities  are  also the  best  research  centers.

Lecturer,  while  dealing  with research  activity,  expands  his/her knowledge  and  exchange  it with students”; mentioned  the Rector  and  highlighted the fact of  involving  students in  research activity.

Koryun Atoyan presented the University’s involvement in international programs, large  projects,  steps towards  improving educational  environment, and  referred  to students’ everyday  life, stressing  that  it  should  be  full, as  the  University isn’t  a  structure to  gain only  knowledge,  but  also an environment, where  a  citizen  is being formed.

Rector  spoke  about social  programs carried  out  by ASUE to solve students’ social problems. “Our  University development projects  are  underway”; highlighted Koryun Atoyan.

After  Rector’s  speech the floor was  given to  students  to  raise their questions.

Issues  on MA  programs, rotation process, relationship  with  employers, acquisition of practical skills, discipline,  access to  library  out of the  University  and  other  questions  were  raised.

The  Rector  answered  to  all  questions,  advised  the students  to  demand  and  to be  responsible for  their own education,  which will enhance the learning efficiency.

“We need to work together to face the current challenges of the education sector: you, as beneficiaries, we, as service providers, should flatten the  existing problems  and step-by-step to  increase quality  of  education”; concluded  Koryun Atoyan and  expressed  hope that  joint  discussion with students  contribute to the solution of  current  problems.



ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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