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Today, a  local meeting  for  discussing issues  on  design  of  a methodology  and  procedure  for  sectoral  qualification framework (SQF), launch of  database, mechanisms for  providing cooperation between University-employer coordinator units  and  “University-labor market national  network” was  held  within the  framework  of  “ARARAT” (ARMENIAN COORDINATION AGENCY “UNIVERSITY - EMPLOYER”)  project at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics /project  coordinator/.

The  meeting  was  attended  by  representatives  of  University-employer coordinator units  of  Armenian Universities  involved  in the  project and  representatives  of  the project  partner  organizations.

ASUE  Quality  Assurance  Division submitted  information according to  which members  of the project  management group  presented  the  goal  of  the  meeting  and  the  discussed  topics.  Then each of the  representatives of  partner Universities presented  their  vision on providing cooperation  with “University-labor market national  network”, launch of  database,  motivation  and  involvement of stakeholders to  participate  in surveys.

Then issues  on  survey  methodologies regarding standards  and  sample survey  presented  to  four stakeholders  (employer, teaching  staff,  student,  alumni) participating in the  survey  were  discussed.  At the  end  of  the  meeting the  next actions and their implementation deadlines  were  discussed.

P.S. “ARARAT” is a three-year national project aimed at ameliorating the relevance of higher education to ever-changing labor market needs through establishment and operationalization of universities-employers cooperation nexus in Armenia, which runs from Oct. 2012 to Oct. 2015.

Within the  framework of  the  project  questionnaires have  been  developed  for identifying educational needs of four stakeholder groups, database  has been  developed, which  collects the results  of  the  survey.  Database  will  launch   soon, on basis  of the analysis of the results sectoral  qualification framework (SQF) will  be  designed   for  management, IT  and  academic (pedagogical) fields.

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ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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