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The  winners of  chess  tournament,  held  within the framework  of  “Student  Autumn 2014”  sport cultural  festival,  are  already  known.

Awarding  ceremony of  the  winners  was  held  after  the  games. Koryun Atoyan  awarded  certificates  and  medals  to students  of the  Department of   Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations,  who  were  the 1st  ones.

The 2nd  was the  Department of  Accounting  and  Audit,  the  President  of  Students  Council, Sergey Kharatyan,  awarded  the  representatives  of  the  Departments, and  the  3rd  one  was  the  Department of  Finance, the  acting Head of  the  Chair of  Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense, Hovhannes  Gabrielyan, awarded them.

Rector  Koryun Atoyan highlights the  role  of  the  chess  and  mentions that  in our  country  a  great  attention is  paid  to  chess.

We  congratulate all  winning  teams. 



ASUE  Media  and Public Relations   Division 

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