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After  the  plenary  session  ASUE  annual  conference “Modern Challenges  for  Development”  continued  its  work in sections. 

The  coordinator  of  the  section “Socio-economic development priorities in the RA”, full member of National Academy of Sciences, Doctor in  Economics, Professor,  Head of  the  Chair  of  Management, Yuri  Suvaryan  welcomed  the participants  and  began  working.   He  wished the  participants fruitful  working  process  and  effective  discussions. The  session was  attended  by  the  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan, Director  of  ASUE  Gyumri  Branch, Samson Davoyan.

The  first  report on “Industrial policy as a guaranty for the  country’s economic development”  was  presented  by  Assistant  Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities, Anush  Azatyan.

The  coordinator  the  second  section “Financial markets and infrastructures”, Head  of the  Chair  of  Finance, Doctor  in Economics, Professor, Ashot Salnazaryan,  welcomed  the participants  of  the section,  and  mentioned  that such  conferences  opened  doors for  young researchers  and  supported  them  to  find    their  place  in  field  of science as  soon as  possible.

The  first  report   on “Unfair competition as a barrier for business development” was presented  by a PhD  at Public Administration Academy 
of the Republic of Armenia, Taron Varazdatyan.

The  coordinator  of  the  next  section “International economic cooperation and assurance  of  education  quality”, Director  of  “AMBERD”  Research Center, Doctor  in Economics, Professor,  Samvel  Avetisyan,  welcomed  the participants  and  the  latters  began to  present  reports.

The  sections  will  continue  the  working  process  on October 30-31, 2014.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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