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ASUE 24th  Conference on “Modern  Challenges  for  Development” launched  yesterday,  continues  working  in  4  sections.

As  we  informed  3  sections: “Socio-economic development priorities in the RA”, “Financial markets and infrastructures”, “International economic cooperation and assurance  of  education  quality”,  had already begun working.

Today,  the  4th  section “Assurance  of  sustainable development”  begins working  at  the Department  of  Computer Science and Statistics,  the  coordinator  of  the section is  the  Dean of  the  Department, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor, Manuk  Movsisyan.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division visited the section  and  followed  the  working  process. “The 24th Conference  on “Modern Challenges  for  Development”  has  launched  at  our  University  and  it  is  gratifying that  one  of  the   sections  conducts  working process  in our Department,  I  congratulate  everybody  on this  occasion. It’s  very  important  for  us, because 3  specialties of our  Department  are essential ones  and  the  topics  of  research  presented  by  our  scientist are  quite urgent”;  mentioned  the  coordinator  of  the  section.

After  the  opening  speech  the  first co-authored  report  on “Indirect assessment of human capital   in Armenia”  was presented  by Assistant  Professor  at  the  Chair of  Mathematical Methods in Economics, Candidate  in Economics, Karine  Harutyunyan, and  the  Associate  Professor  at the  same Chair,  Candidate  in Economics, Yelena Manukyan.

In the  interview  with Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  the  Dean mentioned  that the  interest  towards  the  conference  was  great, 23  reports  had been presented, which was very inspiring.  Manuk  Movsisyan  expressed  hope  that conducting  any  section   of  future conferences   in  their  Department  would  be  very  effective.

“In addition  to academic  component  the  University  contains  scientific one  and  during  the  last  years  the  University  administration has undertaken  steps  to  strengthen this  component,  which  is gratifying  fact”;  mentioned the  Dean.

Today, the working  process  went  on  in 3  sections: “Socio-economic development priorities in the RA”, “Financial markets and infrastructures”, “International economic cooperation and assurance  of  education  quality”.

Note, that  the conference will  be  summarized tomorrow.



ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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