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Today,  ASUE 24th Conference  on “Modern Challenges for  Development” begins  at  ASUE  Big  Hall,  which  was  attended  by ASUE  Rector,  Doctor, Professor, Koryun Atoyan,  Vice-rectors, representatives  of  the  University  Faculty,  students.  The  conference  hosted the  Chairman of   State Committee of Science (SCS) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, Samvel Haroutiunian.

“This  year’s  conference  is different  from  the  previous  ones  by  its record  number  of  reports, more  than 230  ones,  which  should  be  presented during  these  days”; mentioned  the  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan  and  gave the  floor  to ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan for  opening  the  conference.

Welcoming  the  participants    and  outlining that the  University  annual  conference brings  together the university, scientific and academic circles under  one  roof,  Koryun Atoyan  mentioned; “Global developments and the current facts  are new challenges for  the  states  and  impose new  solutions for  development. The  events  and  the  developments  taken place  in the  dynamic  world  have  their  direct influence on the development of our country, therefore it  is  necessary to  use  new  approaches for  economic  development.

The  2014-2017 program of  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of  Armenia  records  the formation  of favorable business environment, as a guarantee for attracting investments. A number of steps  are  planned  to achieve this goal, priority areas  are  highlighted”.  

The  Rector  mentioned  that  professional, expert reference to all segments and problems of  economy  of  Armenia  would  be done  within the  framework  of these three-day-conference, the participants  attached  importance  to a  dozen of  issues, which refers to socio-economic  development  priorities,  financial  markets  and  infrastructures,  international economic cooperation and education quality, as well  as assurance  of   sustainable development  in our  Republic. Koryun Atoyan  presented  the  steps  of  Armenian  State  University  of  Economics  directed  to development of  the  science,  highlighting  that the  University  allocates  3.7  per cent of  its  own fund  to  development   of  university  science. The Rector’s  speech  is  presented  HERE (Armenian version).

After  the  Rector’s  speech the plenary  session  was  opened and the  floor  was  given  to the  Chairman of   State Committee of Science (SCS) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, Samvel Haroutiunian, who reported  on “Reforms  and  prospects  of  science  in the  Republic of  Armenia”.

Before  the  report  the Chairman thanked  Koryun Atoyan  and  the  University  staff for  conducting  such  conference  and  the  invitation, then referred  to  steps  towards  development of  science  at  ASUE,  mentioned  that  Armenian State  University  is one  of the few universities where financial investments are being made for the development of science. “This is, of course, Mr. Atoyan, very commendable fact”;  said  Samvel Haroutiunian.

The  Chairman of  the  Committee presented  the  history  of  founding the  State Committee of Science (SCS),  state  decrees necessary  for  formation the Committee, range of activities, targets for the development of science  in Armenia  till 2020,   among  which  development of Armenology is key  problem, the number of workers of  the  field  of  science, forms of financing, State targeted programs,  database created in the Committee over 29.000 scientists,  the number of references in  Armenian scientific papers   after 2008, priorities  and  international cooperation.

The  second report   on “Integration problems of research and academic processes” was presented  by  Gagik  Vardanyan  during the plenary  session.  The  Vice-rector referred  to  interaction  between scientific and  academic processes and  the  need  for  integration,  mentioning that  the  lack of a scientific basis  in higher education system, which  leads  to the fact that graduates are not competitive in the labor market.  The  Vice-rector  said  that  isolation  of scientific  and  academic  structures  from each other  reduces the potential of  both. Gagik Vardanyan  referred  to  the  need  to connect the scientific  research  with  academic process  more  closely.

The  plenary session was  completed. Rector  Koryun Atoyan, Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik Vardanyan,  Director  of  “AMBERD”  Research  Center,  Samvel  Avetisyan,  accompanied  the  Chairman of   State Committee of Science (SCS) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, Samvel Haroutiunian  to  “AMBERD” Research  Center,  where  the  Center’s activities, programs  were  presented.

Today,  since 14:00,  the  conference  will  be  continued  in 4  sections: “Socio-economic development priorities in the RA”, “Financial markets and infrastructures”, “International economic cooperation and assurance  of  education  quality”  and “Assurance  of sustainable development”.




ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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