View count: 850

Today, another  working  discussion  of  ASUE  Scientific  Groups  devoted  to the  Groups’  web pages  was  held  at  Conference  Hall, Armenian State  University  of Economics.

The presentation,  which  was  also  a working  meeting,  was  attended  by Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan,  Head  of  Science  Division, Khoren Mkhitaryan,  Directors  and  members  of  Scientific  Groups.

Gagik  Vardanyan  welcomed  the  participants, then mentioned, that the  project  should be  both successfully localized  and  developed,  and  presenting   them by a relevant electronic resources was one of those steps.

3  of 8  Scientific Groups presented  their  work:

  • “National  Innovation System”-Director of  the  group, Associate  Professor, Atom MARGARYAN,
  • “Access to Financial Services”-Director  of  the  Group, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor, Khoren MKHITARYAN,
  • “Network  Economy”-Director  of  the  Group,  Doctor  in Economics,  Professor, Vardan SARGSYAN.

 It’s  planned  that  the  new web  pages should comprehensively present the users  activities  of  the  Groups, scientific results.

3  groups presented  their work with  various format  and  solutions,  however,  the  main  task  was  to make  activities of  the  Groups as  available as  possible:  today  the  result  was  already  visible.

Summarizing  the  meeting,  the  Vice-rector  called  to  use  the  created  platform fully  and to  present creative  new  approaches  from meeting  to  meeting.

Note, that the final results  of  web pages  will be  available  in  ASUE  official  web site.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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