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On October 18-19, 2014,   an interuniversity  student  workshop  entitled “START- more intelligent  students:  start  today”   was  held  at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics.  60  students  from  various universities  participated  in the  workshop.

ASUE  SC  informed  that the  Vice-Rector  on Students  and  Alumni Affairs, Sevak Khachatryan,  and  the  President  of  Students  Council, Sergey  Kharatyan,  opened  the conference.

Both  ASUE  lecturers and  representatives  of  Armenian  leading organizations  presented  reports, exchanged  their  experience during  a  two-day-workshop.

The  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan,  visited  the working  groups  and  got  acquainted  with  the  working  process of  the  workshop.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division the  Vice-rector  mentioned that  the two-day-workshop  enabled  the students to  identify  their  abilities  and to  make  recommendations,  which were  practically important for  both organizing  academic  process  and students’ working  progress. “I  am glad  for  the  students  enthusiasm  to be  involved  in working  groups:  they  asked important  questions  and prepared good  speeches. I  think that such  workshops should  be  continued  and gradually more and more students  will  be  involved, as such initiatives  contribute  to development of  students’  communication  and  creative skills”; mentioned  Gagik  Vardanyan.

The  Vice-rector  on Students and  Alumni  Affairs, Sevak  Khachatryan, said  that students  were  greatly  interested  in  the  workshop, the participants  were impress  by  both  the invited experts’ speeches  and  individual  group  work. “This  workshop provided  an opportunity  for  the  students  to   study such  topics  which  they don’t  deal  with  during  lectures. It  also enabled   to strengthen the teamwork concept,  which  is  necessary  for  each  student’s  further learning process. I welcome this kind of student projects and hopes that in the future we will be witnessing such  kind of scientific and academic  projects. I  think that  the  workshop served  its  purpose   and  the  selected  slogan, that’s, more intelligent  students”,  mentioned  the  Vice-rector.

The workshop  was  summarized  on October 19  by  solemn  ceremony  of  awarding  certificates  to participants.

Note, that the  workshop  was  one  of  the  events  devoted  to  the 20th  anniversary of  ASUE Students  Council,  and  it  was  initiated  by  the Student  Council’s  Academic  Committee  joint  with  Youth  Foundation of Armenian.




ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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