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Armenian first  magazine  was  published 220  years  ago.

On  October 16, 1794,  “Azdarar”  was  published in Madras,  India,  by  Harutyun Shmavonyan,  who became  a Father  of  Armenian  Press. Being aware of the printing, he was the editor, typesetter, and the printer of  the  magazine, he even prepared   publication paper.

Political, social, moral and cultural issues  were  covered  in “Azdarar”. Being patriotic and ideological figure Shmavonyan  was  sure  that he  was  doing  a  good  job for  educating  and  bringing  up a young generation  with patriotic spirit and  high consciousness.

“Azdarar”  had a  short  life: only 18 months and 18 volumes, 965 pages and lasted until March, 1796.  But it  became  the basis  of  Armenian press  history  and gave  a  birth  to new  and  various Armenian  papers  and  magazines.

According to  the  RA  Government  decree  on  April 22, 2004, “Press Employee Day”  was  celebrated  on October 16,  the  letter  was  renamed  and  became “Armenian Press  Day”.

We  congratulate  all  our  colleagues,  wish  them fruitful  working  process.

ASUE  Media and  Public  Relations  Division 

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