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Today, Editorial Board  of “Messenger  of  ASUE” headed  by ASUE  Rector, Professor, Chief  Editor, Koryun Atoyan, conducted  a session,  during  which the list  of  the articles  which  should  be  published  in the 3rd edition  of  the  journal during this  year, has  been  established, steps directed  to improvement of  the  journal’s activities, as well  as internationalization of  the letter have  been   discussed.

The Head of  Science  Division, Khoren  Mkhitaryan, informed  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division that  the  following  recommendations were  made  during the  discussion:

-the  articles  should  be  certainly  reviewed by members  of  the Editorial  Board,

-additional  edition once  in a  year will be planned  for young  scientists,

-to create a conflict topic by appropriate title in  the  journal,

-to involve appropriate  heading  regarding textbooks  and  educational  manuals published  by Faculty, as well  as some information regarding establishment  of   dissertation topics  and protection.

The  Head of  the  Division  informed  that expediency of  presenting at  least  one  article in a year by  the  Board  members  had  also  been  discussed, a  number  of  questions  were  raised  regarding the  current  headings  of  the  journal  and a  recommendation  was  made  to  present  a  new  list  of  headings,  and  publication of  articles  by foreign  authors was highlighted in terms  of internationalization.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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