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Today,  the  2nd  and  3rd  year  students  of labor  property relations specialty,  Chair  of Environmental Economics, accompanied  by  Assistant  Professor, Candidate  in Economics, Anahit  Adanalyan  visited  botanical garden.

The  students  took a  tour  around  the  garden, the  guide  introduced economically valuable, ornate and other plants, trees,  spoke  about  the   necessary  conditions, features for storage.

The  3rd year  student, Margarita  Ghulinyan, told  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division  that  such  kind  of  visits  were  necessary for  them.

“This cognitive visits not only expand our knowledge, but also develop interconnection  between students  and lecturers, as well as various courses”;  said  the  student.

ASUE Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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