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On October 12, 2014,  Yerevan  celebrated  the 2796th  anniversary  of  the  foundation.

ASUE  members  also  participated  in “Erebuni-Yerevan 2796”  celebrations.  ASUE  SC  Chairman Sergey  Kharatyan  informed  that about 500  ASUE  students  participated in feast  of  the  capital.

On  October 12,  representatives of our University headed  by ASUE  SC gathered  at  ASUE  yard,  got  items symbolizing the  feast (posters, balloons, T-shirts, etc), then went  to the Municipality yard  and  participated  in start of the day's events.  ASUE  students  completed  their  march with a beautiful dance  symbolizing unity  and solidarity.

Our students  had initiated  events ahead the feast. On October 9, representatives  of “Njdeh” patriotic club  visited  “Erebuni” Historical and Archeological Museum,  where  they  got  acquainted  with  the  history  of  foundation of Erebuni fortress and museum, Urartian cuneiform inscriptions  found  during excavations, ancient items. The  students  took a tour  around Arin Berd.

On October 10, an exhibition of  Jenya  Sargsyan /student  of  the  Department  of  Accounting  and  Audit/ entitled “Our house columns”  devoted  to the  2796th anniversary  of  Yerevan was  held  in “Hay Art”  cultural  center.  Talented students  of  our  University  performed  classical  music during  the  exhibition and it was  completed  by  our University  student’s  reciting  poetry.

The  students  of  the  Departments  of  Finance  and  Management expressed  their love  towards the  capital  by videos  entitled “Yerevan, My Home”.  Here  are  the  links:

Department of  Finance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXoPXBCGWwI.

Department of  Management: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRl2ga4lEZk&feature=youtu.be.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division  Sergey  Kharatyan  highlighted students’  active participation in events  devoted  to  the  City  anniversary.  “Young people are the future of the nation, the driving force, so they also should instill patriotism, and  be an example for countrymen. Students  express  their  love  towards  their  homeland  by  these  various  events. Everyone was very excited and enthusiastic”;  said SC  Chairman.

Once again, congratulations to Armenia and the Armenians all over the world on  the City  anniversary.




ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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