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Today,  serial current scientific seminar entitled “Socio-Economic Problems of  the  RA Balanced Regional Development”was  held at “AMBERD” Research Center. The participants were the employees of the research center headed by the Director Samvel Avetisyan, lecturers and students.

 Note,  that the head of a research  group presenting the  topic “Socio-Economic Problems of  the  RA Balanced Regional Development” is the Professor of the Chair   of International Economic Relations, ASUE, Ddoctor in Economics, Zoya Tadevopsyan.

Members   of  the  research  group  are Candidates  in Economics,  Associate Professors Karen Hakobyan, Diana Galoyan, Narek Kesoyan, Candidates  in Economics, Assistant Professors  Jora Sargsyan, Lusine Aghajanyan, the lecturer Taguhi Ohanyan, MA students Masis Zargaryan, Sevak Khachatryan, Narek Petrosyan.

As the speakers mentioned this research  aims  to   determine the  possible   ways  to  mitigate or neutralize  the  causes  of  social-economic irregularity, imbalances  of  economic  development  of  the  RA sub areas, to  develop methodological suggestions and recommendations  for full realization of  the  latters, as  well as  to  develop the  model  of  “Sub-regional Centers of Economic Growth”.

Zoya Tadevosyan presented theoretical provisions of regional policy, as well as its practical expressions. Within the framework of the topic Taguhi Ohanyan reflected on the international experience analyzing the policy of the resolution of regional development issues of EU member states and post-Soviet states. The concept of the regional symmetrical development in Armenia was also discussed in this context.  

Jora Sargsyan and Lusine Aghajanyan spoke on “The assessment of the regional development potential” introducing demographic data of the regions in RA and Yerevan city that received the status of a region, the saturation of natural resources, living standard etc. The group members separately analyzed the regions of the Republic, presented remarkable statistic facts (the level of unemployment, the size of average salary etc.). Karen Hakobyan presented the factorial analysis of the regional balanced  development and gave suggestions.

The head of Research Center wished good luck to the group members urging to accurately assess the regional development potential of RA.      



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