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Today,  a session of  the  University  Scientific Board  headed  by the  Board Chairman,  ASUE  Rector,  Koryun Atoyan,  was  held at  ASUE  Conference  Hall.   

Vice-rector  of Educational  Matters, Mihrdat  Harutyunyan,  presented  the  1st  issue  of  the  agenda: examination results  of  the  2nd  semester  of  the 2013-2014  academic  year,  noting  that Rectorate  Board, Dean offices  and  Chairs  did  their  best  to  organize the  process properly.  The  Vice-rector reported  on academic progress  registered  after examination process  of  full-time  and  part-time Bachelor’s  and  Master’s Degree  programs,  raised defects and unsolved  problems.

Mihrdat  Harutyunyan also  presented results  of graduate  works,  protection of  Master's thesis  and  final  certification exams,  and  underlined  that the  process  was carried  out according  to  the  established  period of  time, and  the decree  of  the  Minister of  the  RA  Education and  Science. The  Vice-rector  informed  that 1148 students  of full-time  Bachelor Degree, 425  ones  of  part-time Bachelor  Degree  and 666  students  of  full-time Master  Degree  graduated  from  our  University.  The  Scientific Board  accepted  the reports  and  decrees  on the  presented  two  issues.

“Dear  colleagues,

first  of  all  I apply  to Heads  of  the Chairs, I  would  like  to  mention that  we are not satisfied with today’s quality of education.  I  call  everybody to  pay  a serious  attention to issues  of  increasing  quality of education,  to  undertake  serious steps in this direction, to submit proposals”; said Rector  Koryun Atoyan.  Then  the  Rector  presented  the  working  plan of  the  1st  semester of  the 2014-2015  academic  year  to  the  Board’s  approval: it’s  approved.

Among  the  current  issues  the  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International relations, Gagik  Vardanyan, reported  on a  number  of  issues  regarding dissertations topics  and establishment of  their  scientific  directors.

The  Scientific  Board recommended for  publication the  handbook  presented  by the  Chair  of  Macroeconomics “State Regulation  of  Economy”  and  educational  guide presented  by  a  lecturer  at Chair  of Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense, Hakob Kyokchyan, “Sport  Games  at  the  University”.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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