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The 1st  year  students of  Marketing  specialty  headed  by  the  Head  of  the  Chair  of  Marketing, Doctor  of  Economics, Professor, Ararat  Zakaryan, participated  in a  meeting  held  in scientific reading  hall of the Library, Armenian State  University  of  Economics. The meeting aimed to introduce ASUE  Library to freshmen.

“Library is   an important part  of  your  learning  process”; said  the  Director  of  the Library, Armine  Hovhannisyan, introducing  library  opportunities,  terms  of use, library fund, e-library,  UN  corner.   At  the  end  of the  meeting the  Director  answered  the students’  questions  and  called them to  develop skills  of self-education,  and  the  library  is  the favorable  environment for it.

A book authored  by Samvel Margaryan  devoted  to Andranik Ozanyan  was awarded  to three  boys,  who  attended  the  meeting.   Ararat  Zakaryan also got  books from the  Director  of the  Library.

The  meeting  was  summarized  by a tour  around  the  library,  during  which  the  students got  acquainted  with reading  hall, book digitization technique.

Ararat  Zakaryan, on behalf  of the  students,  expressed  gratitude for  an interesting meeting.

The  Head of  the  Chair expressed  hope  that the  students would  use  the Library  and  it  would  greatly  contribute  to  their learning effectiveness.

Note,  that  Directorate  of  the Library  has  initiated  series of  meetings  with  the 1st year  students.



ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division 

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