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Today, terms  of  use  of  ASUE  Library,   features  of   book,  professional literature  were  presented  to the  1st  year  students  of  Food  Commodity Research  specialty.   The  meeting  was  attended  by collaborators  of the  Library  headed  by   Director  Armine  Hovhannisyan, acting  Head of  the  Chair  of  Commodity Research   and  Technology, Doctor  of   Technical   Sciences,  Professor,  Silva  Sahradyan.

Welcoming  the  participants the  Director  of the Library  mentioned  that the  Library  was   one  of  the important links  of  educational process, and  each  of students used  the  library,  therefore, the 1st year  students should learn important  information dealing  with  books,  professional  literature  and  library.

Armine  Hovhannisyan  presented the UN  corner, terms  of use, e-library,  which  is  available   in the University area.

Silva  Sahradyan  also mentioned  that  the  lecturer   didn’t  manage  to give more information on the subject  during the  lesson, so they need to use professional literature.

The  Professor  also  highlighted the role of  self education  and  skill  development,  calling to  spend  more  time on reading  professional  literature.

At  the  end of  the  meeting the  students  visited reading  hall, then  got  acquainted  with book digitization technique, then  took a  tour  around  the  Library accompanied  with  Armine  Hovhannisyan.

Note,  that  Directorate  of  the Library  has  initiated  series of  meetings  with  the 1st year  students,  which  started  today.

ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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