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Employee of  Information Technology Center, Armenian State  University  of  Economics, Bagrat Margaryan,  has  published  the  1st  part  of  a  book-album  entitled “Favorite Painters”.  It presents  artists  who born in August  and  have left indelible trace  in the  World art and painting.  A book-album  is  in Russia,  it  includes brief biography   and  photos  of  works  of famous artists, which  are  accompanied by prominent writers’ and philosophers’ sayings.

Bagrat  Margaryan  aims  to continue the  publication  according to  12 months  and to present the complete series  to  art  lovers.

“Both classical  and  modern fine arts are the  main source  for  everyone’s  inspiration, taste and cultural upbringing.  I hope that many people will like this book”; said  Bagrat Margaryan.  Our  employee  hopes  that it’ll  be  an effective one for pupils  of  the  secondary  school.

ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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