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Today, series of  seminars  conducted within the framework of research topics  in 2014 launched  at  “AMBERD”  Research Center, Armenian State  University  of Economics.

A  scientific  seminar entitled “ Economic Growth Trends  of  the  RA  in  Case  of  Membership to CU”  was  conducted within  the  framework  of   “Issues of Spherical Development of Economics and Fiscal Policy of the  RA in Case  of  Membership to CU”  research  topic.

The  seminar  was  attended  by  the  staff  of  “AMBERD” Research  Center  headed  by Director  Samvel  Avetisyan.

The  main speaker  was the  Head of  the  Chair of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities,   Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Mikayel Melkumyan,  a report was made by Assistant Professor  of  the same  Chair, Candidate of Economics,  Artur Arakelyan.

A member  of research  group  of the  mentioned topic, acting  Head of  the  Chair  of  International  Economic  Relations,  Grigor Nazaryan  made  an  introductory remarks.  He  noted  that the  research group worked  on  different  directions: macro  and  microeconomics, trying   to  assess the positive  and  negative  sides  of  membership to CU.   He  added  that a gravitational model  had  been  developed based  on the  collected data,  and  the  first  results  would  be  appeared  soon.

First, Artur Arakelyan presented  a  report  by  slide   show  and introduced economic  data: total results  of  foreign trade  of  the  RA, sizes  of  exports and imports in  several countries,  foreign trade partners  of  the  RA  with  the  highest indexes,  comparison of  rates  of  the  RA  and  CU,  import capacity of gas, as well as  oil  according to countries (2013).

Derived data regarding  large volumes of goods (cars, gold,  diamond, wheat, drugs)  imported  in  Armenia  were  also  presented. Tax rates  of  the  RA  and  CU  were  spoken about, legal issues  of  economic protection  were  analyzed,  conclusions  were  presented  at the  end  of  the  report.

The  main  speaker, Mikayel  Melkumyan, referred  to  possible economic grows  and  falls  in various fields. The  Professor  spoke  about the sanctions imposed by the West against Russia. Summarizing the  topic Mikayel  Melkumyan  noted  that the main goal  should  be  to introduce significant and valuable suggestions  and the mechanisms  of  their implementation to the Government.

The  speaker answered  the  questions  raised  by  the participants.

At the  end  of  the  seminar  Samvel Avetisyan  noted; “The  topic  is dynamic: the situation is  changing  fast  and we  should  walk along with  it,  follow  developing  trends. We  should note  that  our  prevailing interest is  the  national  security.  I  suggest  to consider  the  questions raised  today. Continue  the  research,  thanks for the reports”.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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