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Today,  Rector  of Armenian  State University  of  Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan hosted ASUE  futsal boys’ team in his office,  which participated in the  2nd  Pan-European Student Athletic Games  on July, 2014, in Rotterdam. ASUE  represented  Armenia  and   was  the 14th  among 24 teams  of  different  Universities  all  over  the  world.  Our  student  Narek Makaryan   was  named  the league's best scorer.   

Vie-rector  on Students  and  Alumni Affairs, Sevak Khachatryan, acting Head of  the  Chair  of Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense  Hovhannes Gabrielyan,  the couch  of  the  team Elianora Grigoryan also attended the  meeting. Presenting  the  team members  and  their success,  Sevak Khachatryan expressed  great gratitude to  Koryun Atoyan,  underlining  that due  to  the  Rector’s  support  the  team of Armenian University  was  able for the 1st  time to participate  in such a  famous Pan-European  championship. 

Hovhannes Gabrielyan also  thanked Koryun Atoyan  for  support, then presented how  the  team was  impressed. “I   ask for your support  to keep  the  team,  to  strengthen it, as our  team has a  great  potential and is  able  to achieve greater success”; he said    and  presented  the  teams’  future  plans.

Koryun Atoyan congratulated  the team, as well as  the  team member Narek Makaryan, and  the  coach  for  great  efforts. “This  is  really an unique case,  when university  team of such a  small  country participated  in Pan-European  championship.  Not  only  I, but  our  University  is  ready  to support our  students’ all positive  initiatives.

Today's world  and opportunities are different, and we  should  create success in all areas to be competitive”; said  the  rector,  calling to break the stereotype, that the Armenians can’t  achieve success  in team games.

At the  end  of  the  meeting Narek Makaryan awarded  his  cup  of  “The  Best Scorer” to  Koryun Atoyan. The  Rector  promised  that  the  cup  would  be  placed  in the  newly  opened University  Museum and would  be ratified  as a  history.

The  previous news  is  presentedհպտհ-ն-համաեվրոպական-ուսանողական-մարզական-խաղերի-մասնակից-մեր-ուսանողը-լավագույն-ռմբարկու-1869.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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