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“Tntesaget” sport-health  camp  of  Armenian State University of Economics  finished  regular  cycle  of summer  vacation   yesterday, August 25. So,  representatives  of  ASUE Faculty  staff,  collaborators,  students  (included   from Artsakh)   and  their  family  members spent  their  summer  vacation  in  Dilijan  from  the 5th of July  to 25th of  August.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  talked  to the  Head of  the  sport-health  camp, lecturer  at the  Chair  of Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense,  Hakob Kyokchyan. He summarized  the  cycle  of  a two-month-vacation  and  mentioned  that the  University  had  organized remarkable  rest  for  the  University  members.

ASUE  Administration  improves living  conditions   and  repairs the  camp each  year.

“This  is  one  of  the University’s social  policy  components.  As  you  know we  carry  out  various social programs, scholarship  projects,  health  insurance  for  our collaborators. The rest  at sport-health  camp is  an unique form of additional  support, which  we  try  to provide  every  year”;  said ASUE Rector  Koryun Atoyan  before the  camp  would  start  to  work.             


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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