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ASUE   “Tntesaget”    sport-health  camp  has been one  of  the favorite places of  collaborators, lecturers  and  students for  summer rest.  ASUE  Administration  improves living  conditions   and  repairs the  camp each  year.  

ASUE  SC  members   enjoy  their  summer  rest in the  camp.

Head of  the  camp,  lecturer  of  the  Chair  of  Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense, Hakob Kyokchyan,  told  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division, “The  forth  relay  is  the  most  active  one, as  the liveliest  and   enterprising young people  are gathered  together. They  actively  participate not  only  in tours, excursions  to  Jukhtak Monastery, Matosavank, Goshavank, Haghartsin  and  other historical places,  sport  games  and  competitions,  also   organize intellectual  games, cultural evenings, gatherings around the campfire  and   make  their  rest   interesting  and  remarkable”.

Head of  the  camp  mentioned  that   all relays  left the  camp  expressing  gratitude  and with  great  impressions. Mr. Kyokchyan also mentioned  that 5  students  of  Artsakh  State  University  also  left the  camp with  great  impressions, their  rest  was  organized by ASUE  Administration, free of charge.

P.S. The  camp   has  started  to  work  on July 5  and  the  will see  off  the  last vacationist  on August 25.

P.S.  Photos  are  submitted  by  SC Facebook official   page.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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