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Rest  in peace our best  colleague- Dean of the Department of Finance,  Associate  Professor  of  the  Chair  of  Mathematical Methods in Economics, Zakar Kirakosyan.

We express deep condolences  to  Zakar  Kirakosyan’s family, friends   and  relatives  on  behalf  of  ASUE Rectorate Board, Faculty  staff,  collaborators and students.

Zakar Kirakosyan’s  bright image will always remain in our memories.

Requiem will be held  on August 22  at 18:00,  in St. Sarkis Church, Nor Nork, the  5th  district,  and  burial will be  held  on August 23 at 13:00  from the  same  church.

Recorate Board, Armenian State  University  of  Economics

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