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Research  entitled “International  Experience  of  Innovative Methods  for Natural  Resources  Usage  and Application  Opportunities  in Armenia” was  discussed  today at  “AMBERD” Research Center,  Armenian  State  University  of  Economics.

Members of research group   Luiza  Avetisyan  and  Liana Aghekyan, Master’s  Degree  student  ofEnvironmental  Economics  specialty,  presented  intermediate report  of  their research.  Samvel Avetisyan,  Director  of “AMBERD” Research Center,  Doctor  of  Economics,  Professor,  is  the research group facilitator.

Master’s  Degree  students  spoke  about  effective  ways  of  using water, land resources, presented a  number of natural  problems  in the  Republic  of Armenia, their effects  and   prevention methods. 

After  the speakers' presentations the collaborators of Research Center  raised  questions  and a  hot  discussion was  held  around the  environmental problems  in the  Republic of  Armenia.

At the  end  of  the  discussion Samvel Avetisyan  stressed the  urgency of  topic,  noting that the natural  resources  are  very  important  for  our  lives, that’s  why the topic is urgent.

“The  topic  should  be  studied comprehensively, environmental current  problems should  be   raised  and  constructive suggestions, aimed to  solve them,  should  be made.  The best application of  international  experience in the  Republic  of Armenia should  be  done  properly”; stressed  the  Director.

Note, it’s  planned  to  present the final  results  of  research  on August.



ASUE Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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