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Preliminary examination  of  dissertation  of  an applicant Nairuhi Avetisyan  entitled  “Application Features  of  Income  Models  in the  Republic  of Armenia”   was  held  today  at  the  Chair od  Macroeconomics,  Armenian State University  of  Economics. Armen Allaverdyan, Deputy Minister of the RA Ministry of  Finance,  Candidate  of  Economics, Associate  Professor, is the  Supervisor.

Before  the  discussion would started  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division talked  to  Ishkhan Tigranyan,  Head of  the Chair  of  Macroeconomics, Professor; “Before presenting  the  research work to  the  Professional Board    it passes  such  kind of two discussions. Official  critics  of  this dissertation  are  Associate  Professor: Karen Grigoryan, Ruben Ghantachyan, Tatul Mkrtchyan and  I am sure  that their  remarks    will  help  to present a good  research  work”.

Nairuhi  Avetisyan presented  the  results  of  survey, then the  critics  and  lecturers  of  the  Chair  made  speeches. At the  end  Tigran  Ishkhanyan   summarized  the  meeting.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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