Discussing the Draft of the RA State Budget for 2018 at ASUE

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Today, “Social Research” scientific-educational laboratory headed  by Yelena Manukyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, initiated a presentation on discussing the  main provisions of the draft of the  RA state budget for 2018, presenting  the macro-scope, trends and key budget indicators based on the project.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and International  Relations, started  the  discussion, stating that the  research life  was recently  activated  at  our  University: scientific  seminars  are held, ASUE  scientists participate  in  nationwide discussions as experts, and ASUE annual scientific conference is ahead.

Heads  of scientific-educational laboratories, employees, Deans, the  Chairs  and  lecturers attended  the   discussion.

The  topic  was  presented  by  two presentations: Yelena Manukyan presented  the macro-scope, trends of  the draft  of the  RA state  budget for  2008, Karine Harutyunyan, senior researcher  of the  laboratory, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, presented  the  key indicators  of the  budget (income, expenses, deficit, main indicators to GDP, and etc.).


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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