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On June 16-17, workshop  “On PhD Promotion Tools”  was  held at  Yerevan State  Medical  University,  which  was  the  3rd  one  conducted  within the  framework  of  VERITAS  “Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles”  EU  Tempus  Program.

Gagik  Vardanyan, Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International Relation at  ASUE,  Paruir  Kalantaryan, Vice-Rector  of Methodological  Matters, Nerses  Gevorgyan, Coordinator  of  “ARARAT” project,  Head of  Quality  Assurance  Division at ASUE  and Anna  Pakhlyan, Chief Specialist of the  same  Division,  presented  Armenian  State  University of  Economics   in this  workshop.

 On June 16, 2014, the  1st  day of  the  workshop, speeches  were  made by  Marine  Balasanyan, representative  of  YSMU, project  coordinator,  Dino  Mujkic,  Austrian representative,   Atom Mkhitaryan, Vice President  of  Supreme  Certifying Commission.  The  latter  presented reforms  in degree   awarding  process.

Representatives  of  EU Partner  Universities:  University  of  Heidelberg,  Royal  Institute  of  Technology, University  of  Girona, Bath  Spa  University,  presented  their  experience  of  University  promotion  for  internationalization, University  market cooperation,  linking HE  with industry, society  and  economy, inter University  cooperation.

On June 17, Susanna  Karakhanyan,  member  of  project administrative  group,  reported  on further activities  within the  framework of the  project.

Armenian  partner Universities presented  reports on the  same  day.   Gagik  Vardanyan, Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  at  ASUE,  referred  to cooperation  between University  and  labor market.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division   the  professor  mentioned; “I   have  highlighted that  before internationalization  of  the 3rd level  of  HE, as  well as  inter University  cooperation,  the   quality  of  the  level,  competitiveness  should  be  raised,  which  is  possible by  developing synergetic relationship  between HEI-Government-labor  market,  noting  that it can  contribute to formation of  knowledge-based economy and society”.

The  Professor  raised the steps undertaken  by  the Government  towards that  direction, the  issue  of   releasing highly  qualified personnel at  our  University, conducted  work,  especially noting  that  employees  with  creative  skills are  required  today, such persons may  be  those, who  have successfully completed postgraduate studies.  Gagik  Vardanyan mentioned  that  ASUE graduated  of  HE 3rd  level  didn’t  need special promotion, they’re  demanded  at  labor  market, they’re  included in research conducted by  University internal funding,  they’re  able  to pass  internship at  “AMBERD”  Research  Center, therefore there’re no concerns at this time, although the Vice-Rector’s conclusion was that we should find new ways and  identify  what the  market  would  need  in  future.

At  the  end  of  the workshop presentation of the  project’s  website  ( and  new  magazine, which  will  be  published with a six-month interval,  was  held.

P.S. YSMU  is  the  coordinator  of VERITAS  project  in 2014-2016. The  aim of the project is to improve the postgraduate educational system of the Republic of Armenia harmonizing it with the European quality framework and Salzburg principles.  20 high educational institutions both from Armenia and from European countries  are  included in the  project.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division 

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