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The  9th  plenary  session  of  Armenian National  Student association (ANSA)  was  held  at “French University  in Armenia Foundation”  on June 16-17, 2014, within the framework of  which  a  number of  issues  on HE  sector  were  discussed.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations Division Sargis  Asatryants, Vice President  of ANSA, mentioned  that  representatives of  Armenian Universities,  Heads  of  the  University  Student Councils, former  members  of  ANSA,  special  guests: individuals contributing  to   student mobility,  were  present  at  opening  solemn   ceremony  of  the  measure.   The  Vice President said that  a  dozen of   students  from Armenian State  University  of  Economics  actively  participated  in  the  plenary  session, many  of  them presented  reports.  In particular,  ASUE  PhD  Gagik  Simonyan  presented  report  on  current  state  of  professional  literature  at the  University,    ASUE  students  Arus  Harutyunyan  and  Armine  Yaralova presented  reports  on   concept  of   students  expert  groups’ work  and  activity  and “Bologna Process  in Armenian Students’  Eyes”.                 

The plenary  session was  summarized  by  a  workshop devoted  to  Tempus  projects, one  of  which is  “ARARAT”.

Ruben  Topchyan, Director  of  “National Center  for  Professional  Education   Quality  Assurance Foundation”   presented reported entitled  ““ARARAT”  Project: Discussion of  Goals, Confidence Building”.  The  reason of  current  conflict in the  market   was  discussed  within the  framework  of  the  workshop.   Topchyan  mentioned  that   one  of  the   goals  of  the  project   was  to consider  the  demand  for  the  provided  education program.    ANQA also  considers  that factor  while  fulfilling  program accreditation.

Note, that “ARARAT” is a three-year national project aimed at ameliorating the relevance of higher education to ever-changing labor market needs through establishment and operationalization of universities-employers cooperation nexus in Armenia, which runs from Oct. 2012 to Oct. 2015.  Armenian State  University  of  Economics   is  the  project  coordinator.

Sargis  Asatryants  assures  that the  base  of  Armenian National Student  Association  is   to  form   united  area  of  students, to protect  student   rights and  to make  their   voice   and  opinion audible to.   

“It is gratifying to see that today's students are able to submit their observations, suggestions and feedback,  which aimed  to  improve  the  education quality”, mentioned the Vice President.

P.S.  Photo is  taken from the  official  page  of  ANSA  in Facebook.

ASUE  Media and Public Relations Division 

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