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Monthly  meeting of  “ARARAT” project was  held  at ASUE  Center  for  International Programs  on May 31,  which  was  attended by  Armenian participant  partners. The meeting  aimed  to  discuss the  planning  of the further   activities and  current issues.

Project  coordinator  Nerses  Gevorgyan  presented  the   process of the project,  informed  that the  intermediate  report  of  the  project  had  been presented and  some  actions  of  the  project  had  been postponed.  There  was a  need to  perform  some   changes   in order  to increase the  project  implementation efficiency.

Then  a  member  of  project management  group   Susanna  Karakhanyan  presented three  main directions  of  the action, detailed  description of the planned activities for the next three months, deadlines and expected results of operations.

Discussion was  held  regarding development of spherical qualification frameworks (characteristics).


ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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