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ASUE representatives provided serial support to the Armenian families within the framework of charitable initiative implemented by the University. On May 27 the lecturer of the Chair of Foreign Languages Lusine Karagulyan and a group of students visited socially vulnerable three families of pupils in Ejmiatsin. Students provided them food and clothing.

“The action has realized due to the financial support of  Trade Union, as well the material support of lecturers and students of the University”,- Lusine Karagulyan stated to ASUE Media and Public Relations Division. “Our goal is to somehow alleviate particularly the care of the families of pupils lived in socially severe situation. We previously talked with the Director of that school who directed us to the mentioned three families. Another similar visit is planned in this academic year”,- emphasized the member of initiative Lusine Karagulyan.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division

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