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Serial session of  ASUE  Scientific  Board  was  held  on May 27.  The  agenda  included presentation of  reports,  election of  Deans  and  a  number  of issues.

Samson Davoyan,  Director  of  ASUE  Gyumri  Branch,  presented the  issue  of  organizing academic  and  research work  for  the  2013-2014 academic year.

“Educational, scientific, educative, disciplinary and organizational various  issues  were  presented  and  discussed  during  the  reporting  period  of  the  Branch  Scientific Board.  Issues  of  increasing  the practical efficiency of using  credit system  were  raised. Positive changes have been done in  organization of the educational process: discussion regarding issues  of  increasing  the education quality was  held.   The  Faculty  staff  of  the  Branch  presented 67 scientific  articles  during the  reporting  time”; presented  Director  of the  Branch.  After  the  presentation  he  answered  the  questions  raised  by Scientific Board  members, and  after  the  discussion the  Scientific Board considered  the  Branch  activity  satisfactory.

Atom Margaryan,  Dean of  the  Department  of  Regulation of Economy  and International Economic Rеlations, presented  the  Department’s  annual report,  mentioning,  in spite  of  the extensive construction work carried  out  at  the  Depatment, the academic process was no  stopped, then  presented the report  of  all  directions: students’  progress, organization of  academic  process,   involvement of    the  Department’s  Faculty  staff  and  students in research  work.    In this  context, Atom Margaryan   especially  highlighted  the  activity  of  “AMBERD”  Research  Center,  noting  that  it   had  activated  research  life  of  the  University.     The  Dean also  presented an  experience  conducted  himself  during the  previous  two  years:   inquiry  among the  students  of  Bachelor  Degree  Program  and  alumni regarding education  quality  and efficiency.    Atom Margaryan assured  that  this  experience  could  be  very effective for  raising the quality of teaching. In response  to, Rector  Koryun Atoyan   mentioned  that the  idea was  a  good  one,  but the  methodology should  be   clarified  and  improved.  The  report  was  appreciated enough.    

Election of  the Deans  of   the  Departments  of  Finance  and  Computer Science and Statistics  was  organized.  Koryun Atoyan,  Chairman  of  Scientific Board, Rector,  presented   the  proposed candidates: Zakar  Kirakosyan, acting  Head of  the  Department  of  Finance, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor,   Manuk  Movsisyan, acting  Head  of  the  Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Statistics, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor.   The Heads  of  the  Chair and  representatives  of  Faculty  staff  of  the  mentioned Departments  highly  evaluated  the  candidates.    

In a  closed,  secret ballot of 57  members  of  ASUE  Scientific Board  Zakar  Kirakosyan was  elected with 54  for  and 3  against, 0 void, Manuk  Movsisyan  with 57 for, 0 against, 0 void.                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Paruir Kalantaryan, Vice-Rector  of  Methodological  Matters, presented the  issue regarding “University  educational, pedagogical  and  research  internships  and  problems  of  Dean  offices  and Chairs”, presenting   the  work  conducted in this  direction, as well as referring to the existing problems in the process.

The  Vice-Rector  also  informed  that University  educational, pedagogical  and  research  internships  were  organized  for 2135  students  during the  2013-2014  academic year, 1500 of them in  large  companies  based  on  the  agreements  between the  University  and  companies.  The Vice-Rector  highlighted the strengthening of control over the process.

The issue  of  awarding  the  title  of Associate  Professor to Volodya  Manasyan, Assistant Professor  at  the  Chair  of    Environmental Economics, Candidate  in Geography,  was  put  to  the  vote  and  approved.  The issue  to mediate  to  Higher Qualification Commission  for  appointing Karen Grigoryan, Associate  Professor  of  the Chair  of  Macroeconomics,  Candidate  in Economics,  the  scientific director  of  PhD of  the  same  Chair  Lusine Muradyan  was  approved.

The issues   of   approving  themes  and  scientific directors   of  thesis  were  discussed,  educational  manual entitled “Trade Economics” authored  by  Gagik  Chatinyan, Head of  the  Chair  of Commerce, Candidate  in  Economics, was guaranteed to publication.   The  Scientific Board  postponed  an  issue  of   the  agenda “Report  of  the  Dean of  the Department  of  Finance”.

All decisions of  ASUE  Scientific Board  will be  posted  in  ASUE   official  website  soon.

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