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On May 11-13 the assistant of the chair of Managerial Accounting and Auditing, candidate in economics Diana Minasyan participated in multilateral academic conference in Paris. It was organized by the Institute of strategic and international studies (ISIS). ASUE representative had a speech (in English) on “The migration situation in Armenia and possible directions of its regulation”. Diana Minasyan mentioned that the topic was evoked a great interest among the participants; they raised questions and got comprehensive answers. In the interview with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division the lecturer highlighted the participation in such conferences and mentioned that they have essential signification from the view point of the professional development. “During the international conferences we have an opportunity to appropriate advanced academic experience, expand our horizons and the worldview. As a result of contacts with scientists from different countries, we gain both practical and theoretical knowledge, originate fresh ideas that should be implemented in the academic field. Indeed, the participation in such conferences is a great necessity”,- stated the lecturer. The representative of our University has got the certificate and her article was published in the handbook of the reports of above mentioned conference. Diana Minasyan received a number of cooperation proposals, particularly proposals for joint research work (from the universities of Mexico, Ukraine, Morocco, Australia), the possible ways of cooperation with ASUE were also discussed.

 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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