Students of Artsakh Got Acquainted with the Examination Process at ASUE

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A group  of students of  Artsakh State  University, who are  hosted  at ASUE for  already  several days, were enabled  to have  a  close  look at academic process, University  structure, opportunities today. By Vahe Mikayelyan's initiative, they attended the oral examination today, getting acquainted with the existing procedure.

The  Dean mentioned  that students had an opportunity  to attend the  lecture held for  Master’s degree  students yesterday.

Hovhannes  Harutyunyan, SC President informed, they have also met  the  students  form Artsakh and  invited  them to a cultural event.

P.S. Armenian State University of Economics  and Artsakh State University have  reached  an agreement aimed  at carrying out various programs, including such kind  of mutual visits. 

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