Participation in “International Staff Training Week”: ASUE Lecturer in Warsaw

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Our University staff go on communicating with international educational experiences, developing professional skills  and  capabilities within the  frames of “Erasmus +” program.

On October 23-27, “International Staff Training Week” was conducted at Warsaw School of Economics, which  was  attended  by Kristine Sargsyan, lecturer of the  Chair  of  Languages. The  measure  joined  representatives from 9 countries, and  was  devoted  to the 30th anniversary  of “Erasmus +”.

While  being interviewed,  the lecturer said that the visit to the Polish University was effective both in terms of teaching and exchanging experience and cultural.

The delegates were welcomed by the host University Leadership and the Vice-Rector for International Relations, discussed possible ways of cooperation, a range of research and educational issues. Then the professors of the School of Economics held lectures on "Corporate Governance" and "Double Degree Programming", conducted discussions with the attendees.

The  guest  took a  tour  around  the University, buildings, library.

Presentation devoted to Polish history and culture, a cognitive visit to Gdansk city  were conducted.

“I have also presented our University, referring to the structure, educational programs, learning systems, etc. at Warsaw School of Economics”; the  lecturer summed the  visit.  

P.S.  Kristine Sargsyan was an Assistant of the Chair last year, so she received an invitation from the Warsaw School of Economics as an administrative officer.

Note, that ASUE Foreign Relations Division coordinates “Erasmus +” program at our University.

ASUE Media  and Public  Relations Division

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