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The Department of Computer Science and Statistics  at Armenian State University of Economics  hosted the  pupils  of   N105 high school. The meeting  was  held within the framework  of cooperation between the University  and the  School (ASUE  cooperates  with several schools). Manuk Movsisyan, acting Head of the mentioned  Department,  Firuza Mayilyan, Vice-Dean, Vardan Sargsyan, Head of  the Chair  of    Information Systems Management, Yelena Manukyan, lecturer  at  the Chair  of Mathematical Methods in Economics, as well as a  number  of students, presented ASUE  Departments, took  a  tour  around    the  auditoriums,  got  acquainted  with  specialties, academic process,  admission procedures.    

In the  interview  with   ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division Firuza Mayilyan    mentioned  that    the  pupils  were  impressed by the visit.   “The  students  left the  University noting that they  had  already  chosen  ASUE for  their  further study:   our  representatives  answered  to all  questions  the pupils  were  interested  in”.

Lusine  Karagulyan, Director  of  the cooperation project  between ASUE  and High Schools, told  ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division that those  visits  would  be  continued  and another  groups  of  pupils  would  be  hosted  at ASUE  soon.  The  Director of  the  project mentioned  that ASUE representatives actively  work  within the  framework of  the  project  and  help   pupils  to  choose  right  specialty.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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