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Volleyball  game  between “Smile”, team of  the  Chair  of  Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense (senior Simon Hakobyan),  and “Lightning”, team of the representative  of   Faculty  staff (senior Edgar Ghazaryan),  was  conducted on May 13  at ASUE Gym.

Sport  measure  was  initiated  by  the  mentioned  Chair. Simon Hakobyan, the acting Head of the Chair, told  ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division that the  game  aimed  to preach  healthy  lifestyle   and  to  show  that  sport was  really  important  for  human.

Before  the  game started  pupils  of Yerevan Art  School  after Budaghyan encouraged  the  players  by their  performances. Simon Hakobyan,  Edgar Ghazaryan, Governor  of Vayots  Dzor (former Dean of the  Department of Management at ASUE), Gagik Vardanyan, lecturer at  the Chair  of   Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense,  welcomed  the players.   

Edgar Ghazaryan highlighted  organization of  such measures  and  expressed  gratitude to  the  organizers, and  Gagik  Vardanyan mentioned  that the games  should  be  continued.

Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, Vice-Rector  on Educational Matters, Mikayel Tavadyan, Dean of  the Department  of  Management,  lecturers, collaborators,  students, sport  lovers  were  present  and  encouraged  the players.  

The  game  was  over  with 2-1 account,  in favor of  the Chair  of   Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense  and  won “ASUE Lecturer Cup”.    



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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