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Protection of  graduate works (Master's thesis) of the 1st graduates  of  State Property Management   specialization was  held  today at Armenian State University of Economics. 

Suren Gevorgyan, the  Head of  the  Chair  of Environmental Economics, Professor, introduced   the Chairman and members  of  the  Committee, mentioning  that  the  University  had  a  signed agreement with the RA  State Property Management Department to  carry  out   Master Degree  Program.  Arman Sahakyan,  the Head  of the  mentioned Department, Candidate in Economics,  is the Chairman  of Final  Certification Committee. ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan attended the protection  of  Master's thesis.                                                                

Arman Sahakyan,  welcoming  the  participants, mentioned  that he highlighted the  quiet atmosphere of protecting graduate   works.  He  spoke about  the  recent reforms  carried out  by   State Property Management Department  and  mentioned  that the  sector  was quite interesting.   The  Committee Chairman  outlined  that the  best  graduates would  get  job suggestion.

 Julietta Avdalyan was the first  to  present graduate  work entitle “State Property Accounting System and Ways to Improve it”.

In the  interview  with  ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division Julietta mentioned  that she  was  so  excited during the presentation and   after  it.

“I would  like  to  mention that I am very  pleased with the Committee  members’ work: they are  very friendly and full of positive energy”; mentioned  the  graduate.

Hayk Badalyan also expressed satisfaction  after the protection   and  mentioned  that the  topic of  his  work was quite  interesting  and  he  thought  that he had  presented  it    properly.

 Good luck  to  everybody.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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