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Admission Committee of Armenian State University of Economics started the process of admission of  applications today at 9:00.

The collaborators of  ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division were  present when ASUE  first applicant  Arpine  Petakchyan was filling  in the  application paper. Arpine  said  that she harried up to  present  application paper as soon as  possible.  ASUE first  applicant  came  from Tashir,  Lori Region.   

“I  have  chosen Economics, as   I think it’s a demanded  profession.   I  hesitate a little  about selecting the sequence  of   professions. Yesterday my mother and  I looked  up the  list  of  specialties  presented  at ASUE  official  website. Maybe I will apply to Information Management Systems specialty”;  said Arpine  and   came  up  to  Mary Badalyan, Executive  Secretary of ASUE  Admission Committee,  who  kindly and patiently   helped the  first applicant to fill in  the  application paper  and  then  informed  that the  University  has  “Tntesaget” Student House.

Information for Applicants

Deadline is June 1, 18:00.

Mary  Badalyan, Executive Secretary of ASUE Admission Committee, informs  ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division that the Committee  works every  day, from 9:00 to 18:00.   Non-working days  are going to  be  only   May 9, 10 and 11. 

The  Committee works on weekends, as well as on May 28.

For  more  information visitդիմորդների-հայտերի-ընդունումն-սկսվում-է-մայիսի-5-ին-1560.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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