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An “Open Lesson”  was  conducted  today at the 2nd year of Department of Marketing and Business  Management, during  which  students  presented in English  interesting facts regarding Neuromarketing, explained its nature, features. Susanna  Chalabyan, Head of the  Chair  of  Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Lusine Harutyunyan  and Armine Grigoryan, lecturers at the same Chair, Vard Ghukasyan, Head of Foreign Relations Division,                                                                       Vadim Grigoryan, Vice-Dean of the mentioned Department, Lilit Kolyan, lecturer  at the  Chair of  Marketing, students attended the   lesson.

“It’s  already  second year I teach this course and I  would like to  mention that the students  are  good  at  English and studious. They  suggested  to  conducted  this  lesson”; said the Head of the  Chair.

Culture, based on feelings or visualization of feelings: how  the students explained the  nature  of   Neuromarketing  by  slide  show.   As  they  presented: in the  result of   a  number of research,  it became known that human behavior was governed by his feelings.  The “Open Lesson” aimed to                                             show  the  effects and accordingly, to  carry  out right marketing activities. Namely, to  use  Neuromarketing  for ensuring profit, faithful  customers, confidence in the  market. They  spoke  about human senses   and positive  impact on each of them through  product branding,   packing, making it known and  loved  to the customer.

In the  interview  with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Susanna Chalabyan mentioned  that these lessons enabled students to  develop first of all professional knowledge, then  to communicate in English developing  written and  speaking  skills. The  Head of  the  Chair  said  that  such  lessons  would  be   continued.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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