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The final stage of  “Spring Cup” of  “Club of  cheerfuls  and  resourcefuls” was held on May 4, 2014 in American University of Armenia. It’s  already second year  that our team celebrates the excepted  and deserved victory.  Our  team  shared the 1st place  with the team of Yerevan State  University of Architecture and Construction: “Tghamardik”.

Here are the members of our team:

Davit Minasyan, Hayk Grigoryan, Ashot  Sedrakyan, Mher Makaryan, Narek Palikyan, Melik Daveyan, Edgar Grigoryan, Hayk Asatryan, Tigran Gasparyan, Gevorg  Sahakyan.  Gagik Simonyan, ASUE PhD, is the art director  of the team.

Well  done, boys. We wish the team and all   supporters  of  it  new  achievements:  creative, new ideas and great energy, to carry  out them.

P.S. Photo-ASUE Student Council.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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