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Unique lesson was  conducted  today  at ASUE within the  framework of  Francophonie Days in Armenia,  during  which  students  of  Bachelor Degree  and  Master Degree  Programs presented life  and  activities of  French famous economists in French.

The lesson was  conducted  by initiative of  lecturers of  French at the Chair  of  Foreign Languages. Susanna  Chalabyan, Head of  the  Chair, lecturer of  French  at  the  same  Chair, Vard Ghukasyan, Head of Foreign Relations Division, students  attended  the  measure.

ASUE members  presented famous economists’ economic activities, thoughts and ideas, talked about French culture. The  speakers  answered  both the lecturers’  and participants’ questions.  Nektar Khachatryan, the  lecturer  and conductor  of  the lesson,  thanked  the students for excellent  knowledge and  free communication in French.

In the  interview  with ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division Susanna Chalabyan mentioned  that  such measures  were  important, as the  role of  French  and  French  culture was  being evaluated: “The  importance  and significance of  French have been recently reduced.  That’s why measures, studies in French,  greatly   contribute to students’ free  communication.  The  role  of  French is  important for  us  as   France  and Armenia  are  friendly countries” ; outlined the  Head of the Chair.

The measure was  impressive and interesting for students.  They  said  that such measures  contribute  to the learning effectiveness.

“Due to this  lesson we  develop   French and at the  same  time economic  knowledge. Such lessons enable  us to  carry out professional studies   and  present them in French. French is a beautiful language”; said Syuzi Aghajanyan, the 2nd year student  at the Department of Management.

At the  end of the lesson the best students were awarded with French economic books.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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