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Group of  experts  carrying  out  assessment will  visit ASUE towards pilot institutional accreditation of Armenian State  University of Economics. It’s planned  to  visit ASUE  Mother  University  on May 5-8, 2014, Gyumri Branch-May 12-13, 2014, Yeghegnadzor Branch-May 14, 2014.

The  schedule includes the following:

May 5-meetings with the  University  Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans of the Departments,  working  group carrying out  self-analysis,  representatives of employers, study of documents.

May 6-meetings with Heads of the  Chairs, lecturers, students  of  Bachelor Degree  and  Master Degree Programs.

May 7-meetings  with the  Heads  of subdivisions, members  of Student  Council  and SSS,  Quality Assurance  Center.

Note, an open  meeting  with group  of  experts is  planned on May 7 at 16:00, ASUE collaborators  and  students are  able  to participate  in it.

May 8-final day: a meeting with the  staff selected by the group of experts, then the  same group’s meeting with the  University  Rector.

The  meetings will  start early in the morning  and  will  be conducted at ASUE Center for  International Programs.

May 12-meetings  with the  Director  of  Gyumri  Branch, working  group carrying  out self-analysis, Heads  of  subdivisions, lecturers.

May 13-meetings with students,  alumni, group of experts (open meeting), quality  assurance officers,  Branch  Director.

May 14-meetings  with the Branch Director, working  group carrying out self-analysis, students, lecturers.    

P.S. Self-analysis of institutional capacity has been carried out at  ASUE  and  presented to “National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance” foundation on January 20, 2014. The self-analysis of institutional capacity is presented  here.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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