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“National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” State Non Commercial Organization  of  the RA Ministry of Economy, highlighting the role of  Universities’  participation in formation process  of knowledge-based economy in Armenia: a seminar entitled “The  Problems  of Developing and Sharing Knowledge  of Innovative Activities in the RA” was  conducted on April 15, 2014. The  main speaker  within the  framework of the  topic was Tsovinar Karapetyan, Associate Professor  at  the  Chair of Macroeconomics  at ASUE, Candidate in Economics.  Ishkhan Tigranyan, the Head of the  Chair of  Macroeconomics  at  ASUE, Gayane Avagyan,  Arpenik Muradyan, Associate Professors of the same Chair, Armine Hovhannisyan, Director of ASUE  Library, the  staff  of  “National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” State Non Commercial Organization, students   of  Master’s Degree Program and the 4th year students of  Bachelor’s  Degree Program at  ASUE  attended  the measure.

Tsovinar Karapetyan spoke  about the  scientific research  conducted  at Armenian State University of Economics in constructing processes  of knowledge-based society, which may contribute to solving the problem of increasing the competitiveness of our country's economy, then the speaker  presented the  manual “Innovative Activity. Concepts  and Terms” published within the  framework of  ASUE inter-university scientific grants.

“This measure is  another confirmation of the  fact that our  University  is  becoming   a  research one, and the  Chair  of Macroeconomics has its contribution and participation in this activity”; said Tsovinar Karapetyan in the  interview with ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division.

Ishkhan Tigranyan,  Head of  the  Chair of Macroeconomics, Professor, mentioned  that the  measure was  conducted in interactive  atmosphere.

Heghine Ohanyan, the 1st year student of  Master’s Degree Program, mentioned  that the seminar was a wonderful opportunity  in the  point  of  view  of referring problems  of innovative activity and creative thinking.

 ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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