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How to  get rid of stereotypes  and overcome discriminatory approach against  women, what the implications are  and what impact  may have on the country's economic development. The wide  range  of  these issues brought together a  number of  experts and  specialists  at ASUE Center for International Programs to  discuss  the  topic   entitled “Gender Aspect of Women Participation in Labor Market: Stereotype as a Hindering Factor in Ensuring Inclusiveness”.

It was the 2nd meeting within  the  framework of “Creating a  Platform  for Discussion  on Inclusive Growth in Armenia” program initiated by ASUE  and  Armenian Office  of  Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

“Our Office has  two priorities: economic growth and employment: this program aims to create a platform where these issues will be discussed and will be presented to stakeholders in form of recommendations”; welcoming the  participants of  the  meeting  said Zara Alaverdyan, the  Director  of  Armenian Office  of  Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.  Nerses Gevorgyan, the Program Manager, outlined  in his  speech,  that the program aimed to hold  discussions and to develop suggestions around  the  mentioned issues.

“Gender equality is more than just  women's issue, it is the evidence for resourceful economy”, said  Nvard Manasyan, a  member of   the  Program  Management  Group,  Spherical  Analyst, and  presented in details the  normative  approaches  to both education  and professional orientation  and labor  market.   She  said  that discrimination against women  had two reasons:  first narrow  limits  were  being  drawn  when getting education,  where  they  were  able  to work and make  career, and then the structure of economy. The analyst said that both  of  them  were caused  by stereotypes. The  basic speakers were:  Heghine Manasyan, Doctor in Economics,  Director of Armenian Foundation of Caucasus Research Resource Center, presented  a report entitled “Differentiation  of  Women’s Employment and Salary in Armenia”  and Ruzanna Tsaturyan,  researcher of Ethnography  Institute of the  RA National Academy of Sciences,  presented report entitled “The Existing Gender Discriminatory Content and Pedagogical Approaches in  Armenian Education System”.

The  first  speaker presented the fields where  especially women were included  and    how they’re paid,  and the second  reporter presented the  research  she had  conducted in two directions: secondary textbooks and teachers' methodology.

“The research of textbooks shows what ideals are provided to children, and the  study  of methodology shows there are still various stereotypes, formulas in educational environment, within the  framework of which people’s professional  orientation and integration to  life are being carried out”; mentioned Ruzanna Tsaturyan.

The program management team will provide  comprehensive research about the problem,   which we  should publish in the  website: presenting complete conceptual studies on the  topic.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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